
Showing posts from March 21, 2004

101 Degrees of Separation

When faced with the possibility of staying home alone with a sick infant, I'd rather drink Drano. At least it would end quickly. A sick infant means no rest, no time to talk on the telephone, no regular meals, no reading, no errands, no visits to or from others. Your only outside contacts are the pediatrician, who doesn't give enough specific advice, and your mother, who offers way too much advice. I, on the other hand, have no magical healing advice for you. I do, however, humbly offer this list of twenty things to do when stuck at home with a sick baby: 1. Put on a stack of your favorite tunes and dance the baby around the room. Call it sick baby aerobics and wear work-out clothes so you feel as though you're getting something accomplished. 2. Set up a videocamera in the baby's room so you can share what your day was like with your husband when he comes home. Make him stay up all night watching it so he can get the full experience. 3. Listen to ta...